Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

I made Punjab Choley

Punjab choley made by Matt RougeMmm… doesn’t that look appetizing?

Having grown dependent on Trader Joe’s Punjab Choley for home enjoyment of this dish, I took the choley challenge. Soaked a bunch of chickpeas overnight, tossed them into the slow cooker with tomatoes, a ton of ginger, a megaton of spices, and cooked it all for about 12 hours. You can find recipes online (hey, did you think think this is a cooking blog? I don’t know why I’m posting this either). This is low-fat (I skimmed the oil), and because I didn’t use butter, it’s vegan, too.

To repeat, I have no idea why I put these cooking posts up, but somehow it feels right, you know?


I wrote a new post about Punjab choley, complete with recipe.

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It's called pulled pork

If you’re into haute cuisine, shouldn’t you spell pork “porque”? It’s hauter.

We’ll I got all haute last night and threw a big ol’ chunk o’ porque into the slow cooker, turned the machine on “high,” and left the meat in there all night. Pork and water and black peppercorns and bay leaves.

In the morn, it all came right off the bone. Poured in bottle of barbeque sauce and mixed it all up. ‘Twas tasty. That’s all you have to do to make pulled pork! So easy even a pig could make it.

You could make pulled ostrich if you had a cooker big enough.

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"Back to Basom" by Ween

“Back to Basom” by Ween is a great but weird song. Seriously weird. I listened to it a bunch of times on my way back from New York City, and it is now running through my head incessently. Great, sophisticated melody; weird lyrics. Seriously weird. It suggests to me some horrific, post-apocalyptic world, in which the narrator is nevertheless trying to make the most of things; but he doesn’t seem like a good person himself. It’s just weird. It’s a song that will freak you out.

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